Scope Miami

Booth A03

Exhibition dates: 03.12.19 – 08.12.19



StolenSpace is excited to return to Scope Miami 2019 this year, where we will be exhibiting a solo show of new work by artist D*Face!


D*Face will also be painting a large mural in the foyer with exciting developments which we will reveal nearer the time…


We will also have a book signing 12-2pm on the 4th December, for any collectors who would like to grab a signed book!

On Wednesday 5th, artists Kai and Sunny will be releasing a new print online to coincide with Scope Miami. They will also be at our booth from 12-2pm on the 5th, so come and say hi!



Click Here to view the desktop version of the ‘Currently Unavailable’ mural by D*Face in the Scope Miami beach foyer

Please email to register your interest.