Opening Reception : 04.04.19, 6 – 9pm

Exhibition Dates: 05.04.19 – 28.04.19



Stolen Space Gallery is proud to present Tunnel Vision, a solo exhibition by the graffiti artist and painter, Hoxxoh.

Douglas Hoekzema is a Miami-based artist whose ever-evolving painting style emphasizes mark-making, colour, and mechanized paint applicating instruments. His use of hand-engineered mechanisms allows each new series to represent not only a new time in his life but also an entirely new technique of painting.

Each piece represents a moment and a process, sometimes connected to a larger whole and sometimes standing alone. Each new tool leaves its own mark and opens the door for new possibilities, allowing for nearly infinite flowing iterations. In a time where societal pressure is only a glance away at all times, Hoxxoh’s practice is an exercise in letting go and allowing the art to guide itself alongside him.

Despite remaining very active in the art world, this will be Hoxxoh’s first exhibit of spray painted studio works in the last six years. In that time, Hoxxoh has focused primarily on paint application mechanisms, murals, and a variety of boundary-pushing techniques, now returning to spray paint with new learned experience and his custom paint sprinkler, the RainBird.

Hoxxoh will bring the RainBird to Stolen Space for a site-specific installation where gallons of paint burst forth onto panels, the walls, and anything that stands in its path. Accompanying the show, Hoxxoh will release his first print series inspired by his studio work, which erupts through constraint with obvious expressive freedom.


Please email contact@stolenspace.com to register your interest.