Word To Mother
Blinded By Sandstorm
Oct. 8th – Oct. 24th 2010
Oct. 8th – Oct. 24th 2010
Blind By Stardom will showcase new works by artist Word To Mother. This much anticipated solo show, his fourth at StolenSpace, will feature paintings in mixed media on wood, mixed media assemblage and installation pieces. This show will also see the release of a limited edition zine with hand screen printed cover.
Word To Mother’s new body of work invites the viewer to look past the exterior or what is immediately apparent and question what is behind. Referencing popular childhood characters he asks the viewer to question the agenda of media that is subjected to us, involuntarily sculpting our values and opinions.
Blind by Stardom is a comment on society being conditioned to worship fame and celebrity status as a way to keep the masses occupied so to keep them from questioning anything. Distractions in the form of everything from fluffy rendered characters to synthesised pop songs and reality television are used as a front to conceal a more sinister agenda. Nothing is as it seems, taking a cynical view of visual language we are confronted with everyday, nothing is literal anymore.